Ever wondered how the Proof mobile app captures your geolocation for attempts? Wondering why your GPS marker isn't accurate? We are here to help!
Why does Geolocation matter?
Recording the location where attempts are made is an integral part of Proof's platform, and one of the many advantages we offer to our clients and server partners. Here's why:
All Proof affidavits include the geolocation of where each attempt was completed
When an attempt location is not near the service address, this may result in the affidavit getting rejected (by our client or by the court)
Overall client satisfaction
Many clients pay specific attention to these details, and having accurate geolocations can result in higher ratings from clients
Peace of mind
As a process server using Proof, you can rest assured knowing that we have recorded your GPS location during attempts and that those records are available to you should you ever need them.
How does Proof's GPS logging work?
Proof records the GPS location of each attempt that you make using the Proof mobile app.
The Proof App grabs the GPS location as soon as you select the address from the attempt flow:
Job Details > Attempts Tab > Record Attempt > Address Selection
Pulling the geolocation at this stage ensures that you are able to enter the details of the attempt from a safe location later, and also allows for circumstances where attempts aren't submitted right away due to low cell service or an unstable internet connection.
Once you get to the final submission page (Step 3), you’ll see how far away your GPS location is from the attempt. If this looks inaccurate, you have the ability to refresh the GPS location before you submit the attempt.
Record an Accurate Geolocation every time!
Here is Proof's suggested workflow for recording attempts and ensuring an accurate GPS location:
Open the job in the app
Begin the record attempt flow and select the service address
Leave vehicle and take a photo while on site of the address
Proceed to the next page in the Attempt Log (Step 3 in the app) and confirm GPS location captured (Distance Away)
Make the attempt
Drive to a safe location to enter and submit your attempt details
Pro Tip - To get the most accurate GPS tag, ensure that you have "Precise Location" or "Improved Location Accuracy" enabled on your device.
Android Improved Location Accuracy
Android Improved Location Accuracy
To toggle on Improved Location Accuracy, navigate to Settings > Location > Advanced > Google Location Accuracy
VIDEO Tutorial - Watch the GPS Refresh Feature in Action!